Archive-name: ai-faq/neural-nets/part6
Last-modified: 2002-03-28
Maintainer: (Warren S. Sarle)
Neural Network FAQ, part 6 of 7: Commercial Software The copyright for the description of each product is held by the producer or distributor of the product or whoever it was who supplied the description for the FAQ, who by submitting it for the FAQ gives permission for the description to be reproduced as part of the FAQ in any of the ways specified in part 1 of the FAQ.

This is part 6 (of 7) of a monthly posting to the Usenet newsgroup See the part 1 of this posting for full information what it is all about.

========== Questions ==========

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Learning
Part 3: Generalization
Part 4: Books, data, etc.
Part 5: Free software
Part 6: Commercial software
    Commercial software packages for NN simulation?

Part 7: Hardware and miscellaneous

Subject: Commercial software packages for NN simulation?

Since the FAQ maintainer works for a software company, he does not recommend or evaluate software in the FAQ. The descriptions below are provided by the developers or distributors of the software.

Note for future submissions: Please restrict product descriptions to a maximum of 60 lines of 72 characters, in either plain-text format or, preferably, HTML format. If you include the standard header (name, company, address, etc.), you need not count the header in the 60 line maximum. Please confine your HTML to features that are supported by primitive browsers, especially NCSA Mosaic 2.0; avoid tables, for example--use <pre> instead. Try to make the descriptions objective, and avoid making implicit or explicit assertions about competing products, such as "Our product is the *only* one that does so-and-so." The FAQ maintainer reserves the right to remove excessive marketing hype and to edit submissions to conform to size requirements; if he is in a good mood, he may also correct your spelling and punctuation.

The following simulators are described below:

  1. BrainMaker
  2. SAS Enterprise Miner Software
  3. NeuralWorks
  4. MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox
  5. Propagator
  6. NeuroForecaster
  7. Products of NESTOR, Inc.
  8. Ward Systems Group (NeuroShell, etc.)
  9. Neuralyst
  10. Cortex-Pro
  11. Partek
  12. NeuroSolutions
  13. Qnet For Windows Version 2.0
  14. NeuroLab, A Neural Network Library
  15. hav.Software: havBpNet++, havFmNet++, havBpNet:J
  16. IBM Neural Network Utility
  17. NeuroGenetic Optimizer (NGO) Version 2.0
  18. WAND
  19. The Dendronic Learning Engine
  20. TDL v. 1.1 (Trans-Dimensional Learning)
  21. NeurOn-Line
  22. Neuframe
  23. OWL Neural Network Library (TM)
  24. Neural Connection
  25. Pattern Recognition Workbench Expo/PRO/PRO+
  26. PREVia
  27. Trajan 2.1 Neural Network Simulator
  28. DataEngine
  29. Machine Consciousness Toolbox
  30. Professional Basis of AI Backprop
  31. STATISTICA: Neural Networks
  32. Braincel (Excel add-in)
  34. Viscovery SOMine
  35. NeuNet Pro
  36. Neuronics
  37. RG Software
  38. Cobalt A.I. Code Builder - Neural Network Edition
  39. NEURO MODEL and GenOpt
See also

  1. BrainMaker

          Product: BrainMaker, BrainMaker Pro
          Company: California Scientific Software
          Address: 10024 Newtown rd, Nevada City, CA, 95959 USA
            Phone: 800 284-8112, 530 478 9040
              Fax: 530 478 9041
       Basic capabilities:  train backprop neural nets
       Operating system:   Windows, Mac
       System requirements:
       Approx. price:  $195, $795
       BrainMaker Pro 3.7 (DOS/Windows)     $795
           Gennetic Training add-on         $250
       BrainMaker 3.7 (DOS/Windows/Mac)     $195
           Network Toolkit add-on           $150
       BrainMaker 3.7 Student version       (quantity sales only, about $38 each)
       BrainMaker Pro CNAPS Accelerator Board $8145
       Introduction To Neural Networks book $30
       30 day money back guarantee, and unlimited free technical support.
       BrainMaker package includes:
        The book Introduction to Neural Networks
        BrainMaker Users Guide and reference manual
            300 pages, fully indexed, with tutorials, and sample networks
            Netmaker makes building and training Neural Networks easy, by
            importing and automatically creating BrainMaker's Neural Network
            files.  Netmaker imports Lotus, Excel, dBase, and ASCII files.
            Full menu and dialog box interface, runs Backprop at 3,000,000 cps
            on a 300Mhz Pentium II; 570,000,000 cps on CNAPS accelerator.
       ---Features ("P" means is available in professional version only):
       MMX instruction set support for increased computation speed,
       Pull-down Menus, Dialog Boxes, Programmable Output Files,
       Editing in BrainMaker,  Network Progress Display (P),
       Fact Annotation,  supports many printers,  NetPlotter,
       Graphics Built In (P),  Dynamic Data Exchange (P),
       Binary Data Mode, Batch Use Mode (P), EMS and XMS Memory (P),
       Save Network Periodically,  Fastest Algorithms,
       512 Neurons per Layer (P: 32,000), up to 8 layers,
       Specify Parameters by Layer (P), Recurrence Networks (P),
       Prune Connections and Neurons (P),  Add Hidden Neurons In Training,
       Custom Neuron Functions,  Testing While Training,
       Stop training when...-function (P),  Heavy Weights (P),
       Hypersonic Training,  Sensitivity Analysis (P),  Neuron Sensitivity (P),
       Global Network Analysis (P),  Contour Analysis (P),
       Data Correlator (P),  Error Statistics Report,
       Print or Edit Weight Matrices,  Competitor (P), Run Time System (P),
       Chip Support for Intel, American Neurologics, Micro Devices,
       Genetic Training Option (P),  NetMaker,  NetChecker,
       Shuffle,  Data Import from Lotus, dBASE, Excel, ASCII, binary,
       Finacial Data (P),  Data Manipulation,  Cyclic Analysis (P),
       User's Guide quick start booklet,
       Introduction to Neural Networks 324 pp book

  2. SAS Enterprise Miner Software

     Product: SAS Enterprise Miner Solution
              In USA:                 In Europe:
     Company: SAS Institute, Inc.     SAS Institute, European Office 
     Address: SAS Campus Drive        Neuenheimer Landstrasse 28-30 
              Cary, NC 27513          P.O.Box 10 53 40 
              USA                     D-69043 Heidelberg 
       Phone: (919) 677-8000          (49) 6221 4160
         Fax: (919) 677-4444          (49) 6221 474 850
    To find the addresses and telephone numbers of other SAS Institute offices, including those outside the USA and Europe, connect your web browser to

    Enterprise Miner is an integrated software product that provides an end-to-end business solution for data mining based on SEMMA methodology (Sample, Explore, Modify, Model, Assess). Statistical tools include clustering, decision trees, linear and logistic regression, and neural networks. Data preparation tools include outlier detection, variable transformations, random sampling, and the partitioning of data sets (into training, test, and validation data sets). Advanced visualization tools enable you to quickly and easily examine large amounts of data in multidimensional histograms, and to graphically compare modeling results.

    The neural network tool includes multilayer perceptrons, radial basis functions, statistical versions of counterpropagation and learning vector quantization, a variety of built-in activation and error functions, multiple hidden layers, direct input-output connections, categorical variables, standardization of inputs and targets, and multiple preliminary optimizations from random initial values to avoid local minima. Training is done by powerful numerical optimization algorithms instead of tedious backprop.

  3. NeuralWorks

     Product: NeuralWorks Professional II Plus
              NeuralWorks Predict
     Company: NeuralWare
      Adress: 230 East Main Street
              Suite 200
              Carnegie, PA 15106-2700
       Phone: (412) 278-6280
         FAX: (412) 278-6289
    NeuralWorks Professional II/PLUS is a comprehensive neural network development environment. Professional II/PLUS is available for UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating systems on a variety of hardware platforms; data and network files are fully interchangeable. The Professional II/PLUS package contains comprehensive documentation that addresses the entire neural network development and deployment process, including a tutorial, a guide to neural computing, standard and advanced reference manuals, and platform-specific installation and user guides.

    NeuralWare's proprietary InstaNet facility allows quick generation of a neural network based on any one of 28 standard neural network architectures described in neural network literature. After a network is created, all parameters associated with it can be directly modified to more closely reflect the problem domain. Professional II/PLUS includes advanced features such as performance measure-based methods to inhibit over-fitting; automatic optimization of hidden layer size and the ability to prune hidden units; and an Explain facility that indicates which network inputs most influence network outputs.

    NeuralWorks Predict is an integrated tool for rapidly creating and deploying prediction and classification applications. Predict combines neural network technology with genetic algorithms, statistics, and fuzzy logic to automatically find solutions for a wide range of problems. Predict incorporates years of modeling and analysis experience gained from working with customers faced with a wide variety of analysis and interpretation problems.

    Predict requires no prior knowledge of neural networks. With only minimal user involvement it addresses the issues associated with building robust models from available empirical data. Predict analyzes input data to identify appropriate transforms, partitions the input data into training and test sets, selects relevant input variables, and then constructs, trains, and optimizes a neural network tailored to the problem. For advanced users, Predict also offers direct access to all key training and network parameters.

  4. MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox

    The Mathworks Inc.
    3 Apple Hill Drive
    Natck, MA 01760
    Phone: 508-647-7000 
      Fax: 508-647-7001
    The Neural Network Toolbox is a powerful collection of MATLAB functions for the design, training, and simulation of neural networks. It supports a wide range of network architectures with an unlimited number of processing elements and interconnections (up to operating system constraints). Supported architectures and training methods include: supervised training of feedforward networks using the perceptron learning rule, Widrow-Hoff rule, several variations on backpropagation (including the fast Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm), and radial basis networks; supervised training of recurrent Elman networks; unsupervised training of associative networks including competitive and feature map layers; Kohonen networks, self-organizing maps, and learning vector quantization. The Neural Network Toolbox contains a textbook-quality Users' Guide, uses tutorials, reference materials and sample applications with code examples to explain the design and use of each network architecture and paradigm. The Toolbox is delivered as MATLAB M-files, enabling users to see the algorithms and implementations, as well as to make changes or create new functions to address a specific application.

  5. Propagator

      Contact: ARD Corporation,
               9151 Rumsey Road, Columbia, MD  21045, USA
      Easy to use neural network training package.  A GUI implementation of
      backpropagation networks with five layers (32,000 nodes per layer).
      Features dynamic performance graphs, training with a validation set,
      and C/C++ source code generation.
      For Sun (Solaris 1.x & 2.x, $499),
          PC  (Windows 3.x, $199)
          Mac (System 7.x, $199)
      Floating point coprocessor required, Educational Discount,
      Money Back Guarantee, Muliti User Discount
      Windows Demo on:        /pub/msdos/windows/demo     /pub/msdos/neural_nets
      pkzip 2.04g archive file
            gatordem.txt    readme text file

  6. NeuroForecaster & VisuaData

       Product: NeuroForecaster(TM)/Genetica 4.1a
       Contact: Accel Infotech (S) Pte Ltd
                648 Geylang Road
                Republic of Singapore 1438
         Phone: +65-7446863, 3366997
           Fax: +65-3362833

    Neuroforecaster 4.1a for Windows is priced at US$1199 per single user license. Please email for order form.

    NeuroForecaster is a user-friendly ms-windows neural network program specifically designed for building sophisticated and powerful forecasting and decision-support systems (Time-Series Forecasting, Cross-Sectional Classification, Indicator Analysis)

    Companion Software - VisuaData for Windows A user-friendly data management program designed for intelligent technical analysis. It reads MetaStock, CSI, Computrac and various ASCII data file formats directly, generates over 100 popular and new technical indicators and buy/sell signals.

  7. Products of NESTOR, Inc.

    530 Fifth Avenue;
    New York, NY 10036; USA;
    Tel.: 001-212-398-7955
    Dr. Leon Cooper (having a Nobel Prize) and Dr. Charles Elbaum
    (Brown University).
    Neural Network Models:
    Adaptive shape and pattern recognition (Restricted Coulomb Energy - RCE)
    developed by NESTOR is one of the most powerfull Neural Network Model
    used in a later products.
    The basis for NESTOR products is the Nestor Learning System - NLS. Later
    are developed: Character Learning System - CLS and Image Learning System
    - ILS.  Nestor Development System - NDS is a development tool in
    Standard C - a powerfull PC-Tool for simulation and development of
    Neural Networks.
    NLS is a multi-layer, feed forward system with low connectivity within
    each layer and no relaxation procedure used for determining an output
    response.  This unique architecture allows the NLS to operate in real
    time without the need for special computers or custom hardware.
    NLS is composed of multiple neural networks, each specializing in a
    subset of information about the input patterns. The NLS integrates the
    responses of its several parallel networks to produce a system response.
    Minimized connectivity within each layer results in rapid training and
    efficient memory utilization- ideal for current VLSI technology. Intel
    has made such a chip - NE1000.

  8. Ward Systems Group (NeuroShell, etc.)

    Product: NeuroShell Predictor, NeuroShell Classifier, 
             NeuroShell Run-Time Server, NeuroShell Trader,
             NeuroShell Trader Professional, NeuroShell 2,
             GeneHunter, NeuroShell Engine
    Company: Ward Systems Group, Inc.
    Address: Executive Park West
             5 Hillcrest Drive
             Frederick, MD 21702
      Phone: 301 662-7950
        FAX: 301 662-5666
    Ward Systems Group Product Descriptions:

    Contact us for a free demo diskette and Consumer's Guide to Neural Networks.

  9. Neuralyst

    Product:  Neuralyst Version 1.4;
    Company:  Cheshire Engineering Corporation;
    Address:  650 Sierra Madre Villa, Suite 201, Pasedena CA 91107;
      Phone:  818-351-0209;
        Fax:  818-351-8645;
    Basic capabilities: training of backpropogation neural nets. Operating system: Windows or Macintosh running Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. Neuralyst is an add-in package for Excel. Approx. price: $195 for windows or Mac.

  10. Cortex-Pro

    Cortex-Pro information is on WWW at:
    You can download a working demo from there.
    Contact: Michael Reiss (
    email: <>.

  11. Partek

    Partek is a young, growing company dedicated to providing our customers with the best software and services for data analysis and modeling. We do this by providing a combination of statistical analysis and modeling techniques and modern tools such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, and data visualization. These powerful analytical tools are delivered with high quality, state of the art software.

    Please visit our home on the World Wide Web:

    Partek Incorporated
    5988 Mid Rivers Mall Dr.
    St. Charles, MO 63304
    voice: 314-926-2329
    fax: 314-441-6881

  12. NeuroSolutions v3.0

             Product: NeuroSolutions
             Company: NeuroDimension, Inc.
             Address: 1800 N. Main St., Suite D4
                      Gainesville FL, 32609
               Phone: (800) 634-3327 or (352) 377-5144
                 FAX: (352) 377-9009
    Operating System: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000
               Price: $195 - $1995 (educational discounts available)
    NeuroSolutions is a highly graphical neural network development tool for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. This leading edge software combines a modular, icon-based network design interface with an implementation of advanced learning procedures, such as recurrent backpropagation, backpropagation through time and genetic optimization. The result is a virtually unconstrained environment for designing neural networks for research or to solve real-world problems.

    Download a free evaluation copy from


    Learning Paradigms

    Advanced Features

  13. Qnet For Windows Version 2.0

    Vesta Services, Inc.
    1001 Green Bay Rd, Suite 196
    Winnetka, IL   60093
    Phone:   (708) 446-1655
    Trial Version Available:

    Vesta Services announces Qnet for Windows Version 2.0. Qnet is an advanced neural network modeling system that is ideal for developing and implementing neural network solutions under Windows. The use of neural network technology has grown rapidly over the past few years and is being employed by an increasing number of disciplines to automate complex decision making and problem solving tasks. Qnet Version 2 is a powerful, 32-bit, neural network development system for Windows NT, Windows 95 and Windows 3.1/Win32s. In addition its development features, Qnet automates access and use of Qnet neural networks under Windows.

    Qnet neural networks have been successfully deployed to provide solutions in finance, investing, marketing, science, engineering, medicine, manufacturing, visual recognition... Qnet's 32-bit architecture and high-speed training engine tackle problems of large scope and size. Qnet also makes accessing this advanced technology easy. Qnet's neural network setup dialogs guide users through the design process. Simple copy/paste procedures can be used to transfer training data from other applications directly to Qnet. Complete, interactive analysis is available during training. Graphs monitor all key training information. Statistical checks measure model quality. Automated testing is available for training optimization. To implement trained neural networks, Qnet offers a variety of choices. Qnet's built-in recall mode can process new cases through trained neural networks. Qnet also includes a utility to automate access and retrieval of solutions from other Windows applications. All popular Windows spreadsheet and database applications can be setup to retrieve Qnet solutions with the click of a button. Application developers are provided with DLL access to Qnet neural networks and for complete portability, ANSI C libraries are included to allow access from virtually any platform.

    Qnet for Windows is being offered at an introductory price of $199. It is available immediately and may be purchased directly from Vesta Services. Vesta Services may be reached at (voice) (708) 446-1655; (FAX) (708) 446-1674; (e-mail); (mail) 1001 Green Bay Rd, #196, Winnetka, IL 60093

  14. NeuroLab, A Neural Network Library

    Contact: Mikuni Berkeley R & D Corporation; 4000 Lakeside Dr.; Richmond, CA
    Tel: 510-222-9880; Fax: 510-222-9884; e-mail:

    NeuroLab is a block-diagram-based neural network library for Extend simulation software (developed by Imagine That, Inc.). The library aids the understanding, designing and simulating of neural network systems. The library consists of more than 70 functional blocks for artificial neural network implementation and many example models in several professional fields.The package provides icon-based functional blocks for easy implementation of simulation models. Users click, drag and connect blocks to construct a neural network and can specify network parameters--such as back propagation methods, learning rates, initial weights, and biases--in the dialog boxes of the functional blocks.
    Users can modify blocks with the Extend model-simulation scripting language, ModL, and can include compiled program modules written in other languages using XCMD and XFCN (external command and external function) interfaces and DLL (dynamic linking library) for Windows. The package provides many kinds of output blocks to monitor neural network status in real time using color displays and animation and includes special blocks for control application fields. Educational blocks are also included for people who are just beginning to learn about neural networks and their applications.
    The library features various types of neural networks --including Hopfield, competitive, recurrent, Boltzmann machine, single/multilayer feed-forward, perceptron, context, feature map, and counter-propagation-- and has several back-propagation options: momentum and normalized methods, adaptive learning rate, and accumulated learning.

    The package runs on Macintosh II or higher (FPU recommended) with system 6.0.7 or later and PC compatibles (486 or higher recommended) with Windows 3.1 or later, and requires 4Mbytes of RAM. Models are transferable between the two platforms. NeuroLab v1.2 costs US$495 (US$999 bundled with Extend v3.1). Educational and volume discounts are available.
    A free demo can be downloaded by or Orders, questions or suggestions can be sent by e-mail to

  15. hav.Software: havBpNet++, havFmNet++, havBpNet:J

    Names:      havBpNet++
    Company:    hav.Software
                P.O. Box 354
                Richmond, Tx.  77406-0354 - USA
    Phone:      (281) 341-5035

  16. IBM Neural Network Utility

    Product Name: IBM Neural Network Utility
    Distributor: Contact a local reseller or call 1-800-IBM-CALL, Dept. SA045 to order.
    Basic capabilities: The Neural Network Utility Family consists of six products: client/server capable versions for OS/2, Windows, AIX, and standalone versions for OS/2 and Windows. Applications built with NNU are portable to any of the supported platforms regardless of the development platform. NNU provides a powerful, easy to use, point-and-click graphical development environment. Features include: data translation and scaling, applicaton generation, multiple network models, and automated network training. We also support fuzzy rule systems, which can be combined with the neural networks. Once trained, our APIs allow you to embed your network and/or rulebase into your own applications.
    Operating Systems: OS/2, Windows, AIX, AS/400
    System requirements: basic; request brochure for more details
    Price: Prices start at $250
    For product brochures, detailed pricing information, or any other information, send a note to

  17. NeuroGenetic Optimizer (NGO) Version 2.0

    BioComp's leading product is the NeuroGenetic Optimizer, or NGO. As the name suggests, the NGO is a neural network development tool that uses genetic algorithms to optimize the inputs and structure of a neural network. Without the NGO, building neural networks can be tedious and time consuming even for an expert. For example, in a relatively simple neural network, the number of possible combination of inputs and neural network structures can be easily over 100 billion. The difference between an average network and an optimum network is substantial. The NGO searches for optimal neural network solutions. See our web page at for a demo that you can download and try out. Our customers who have used other neural network development tools are delighted with both the ease of use of the NGO and the quality to their results.

    BioComp Systems, Inc. introduced version 1.0 of the NGO in January of 1995 and now proudly announces version 2.0. With version 2.0, the NGO is now equipped for predicting time-based information such as product sales, financial markets and instruments, process faults, etc., in addition to its current capabilities in functional modeling, classification, and diagnosis.

    While the NGO embodies sophisticated genetic algorithm search and neural network modeling technology, it has a very easy to use GUI interface for Microsoft Windows. You don't have to know or understand the underlying technology to build highly effective financial models. On the other hand, if you like to work with the technology, the NGO is highly configurable to customize the NGO to your liking.

    Key new features of the NGO include:

    With version 2.0, the NGO is now available as a full 32 bit application for Windows '95 and Windows NT to take advantage of the 32 bit preemptive multitasking power of those platforms. A 16 bit version for Windows 3.1 is also available. Customized professional server based systems are also available for high volume automated model generation and prediction. Prices start at $195.

    BioComp Systems, Inc.
    Overlake Business Center
    2871 152nd Avenue N.E.
    Redmond, WA 98052, USA
    1-800-716-6770 (US/Canada voice)=20  1-206-869-6770 (Local/Int'l voice)
    1-206-869-6850 (Fax)        

  18. WAND

    Weightless Neural Design system for Education and Industry.
    Developed by Novel Technical Solutions in association with Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (London UK).
    WAND introduces Weightless Neural Technology as applied to Image Recognition.
    It includes an automated image preparation package, a weightless neural simulator and a comprehensive manual with hands-on tutorials.
    Full information including a download demo can be obtained from:
    To contact Novel Technical Solutions email: <>.

  19. The Dendronic Learning Engine

    The Dendronic Learning Engine (DLE) Software Development Kit (SDK) allows the user to easily program machine learning technology into high performance applications. Application programming interfaces to C and C++ are provided. Supervised learning is supported, as well as the recently developed reinforcement learning of value functions and Q-functions. Fast evaluation on PC hardware is supported by ALN Decision Trees.

    An ALN consists of linear functions with adaptable weights at the leaves of a tree of maximum and minimum operators. The tree grows automatically during training: a linear piece splits if its error is too high. The function computed by an ALN is piecewise linear and continuous, and can approximate any continuous function to any required accuracy. Statistics are reported on the fit of each linear piece to test data.

    The DLE has been very successful in predicting electrical power loads in the Province of Alberta. The 24-hour ahead load for all of Alberta (using seven weather regions) was predicted using a single ALN. Visit to learn about other successful applications to ATM communication systems, walking prostheses for persons with incomplete spinal cord injury, and many other areas.

    Operating Systems: Windows NT 4.0, 95 and higher.

    Price: Prices for the SDK start at $3495 US for a single seat, and are negotiable for embedded learning systems. A runtime non-learning system can be distributed royalty-free.

    The power of the DLE can be tried out using an interactive spreadsheet program, ALNBench. ALNBench is free for research, education and evaluation purposes. The program can be downloaded from (Please note the installation key given there!)

    For further information please contact:

    William W. Armstrong PhD, President
    Dendronic Decisions Limited
    3624 - 108 Street, NW
    Edmonton, Alberta,
    Canada T6J 1B4
    Tel. +1 403 421 0800
    (Note: The area code 403 changes to 780 after Jan. 25, 1999)

  20. TDL v. 1.1 (Trans-Dimensional Learning)

    Platform: Windows 3.*
    Company: Universal Problem Solvers, Inc.
    WWW-Site (UPSO):
    or FTP-Site (FREE Demo only):, in Directory:
    SimTel/win3/neurlnet, File: and
    Cost of complete program: US$20 + (US$3 Shipping and Handling).
    The purpose of TDL is to provide users of neural networks with a specific platform to conduct pattern recognition tasks. The system allows for the fast creation of automatically constructed neural networks. There is no need to resort to manually creating neural networks and twiddling with learning parameters. TDL's Wizard can help you optimize pattern recognition accuracy. Besides allowing the application user to automatically construct neural network for a given pattern recognition task, the system supports trans-dimensional learning. Simply put, this allows one to learn various tasks within a single network, which otherwise differ in the number of input stimuli and output responses utilized for describing them. With TDL it is possible to incrementally learn various pattern recognition tasks within a single coherent neural network structure. Furthermore, TDL supports the use of semi-weighted neural networks, which represent a hybrid cross between standard weighted neural networks and weightless multi-level threshold units. Combining both can result in extremely compact network structures (i.e., reduction in connections and hidden units), and improve predictive accuracy on yet unseen patterns. Of course the user has the option to create networks which only use standard weighted neurons.

    System Highlights:

    1. The user is in control of TDL's memory system (can decide how many examples and neurons are allocated ; no more limitations, except for your computers memory).
    2. TDLs Wizard supports hassle-free development of neural networks, the goal of course being optimization of predictive accuracy on unseen patterns.
    3. History option allows users to capture their favorite keystrokes and save them. Easy recall for future use.
    4. Provides symbolic interface which allows the user to create:Input and output definition files, Pattern files, and Help files for objects (i.e., inputs, input values, and outputs).
    5. Supports categorization of inputs. This allows the user to readily access inputs via a popup menu within the main TDL menu. The hierarchical structure of the popup menu is under the full control of the application developer (i. e., user).
    6. Symbolic object manipulation tool: Allows the user to interactively design the input/output structure of an application. The user can create, delete, or modify inputs, outputs, input values, and categories.
    7. Supports Rule representation: (a) Extends standard Boolean operators (i.e., and, or, not) to contain several quantifiers (i.e., atmost, atleast, exactly, between). (b) Provides mechanisms for rule revision (i.e., refinement) and extraction. (c) Allows partial rule recognition. Supported are first- and best-fit.
    8. Allows co-evolution of different subpopulations (based on type of transfer function chosen for each subpopulation).
    9. Provides three types of crossover operators: simple random, weighted and blocked.
    10. Supports both one-shot as well as multi-shot learning. Multi-shot learning allows for the incremental acquisition of different data sets. A single expert network is constructed, capable of recognizing all the data sets supplied during learning. Quick context switching between different domains is possible.
    11. Three types of local learning rules are included: perceptron, delta and fastprop.
    12. Implements 7 types of unit transfer functions: simple threshold, sigmoid, sigmoid-squash, n-level threshold, new n-level-threshold, gaussian and linear.
    13. Over a dozen statistics are collected during various batch training sessions. These can be viewed using the chart option.
    14. A 140+ page hypertext on-line help menu is available.
    15. A DEMONSTRATION of TDL can be invoked when initially starting the program.

  21. NeurOn-Line

    Built on Gensym Corp.'s G2(r), Gensym's NeurOn-Line(r) is a graphical, object-oriented software product that enables users to easily build neural networks and integrate them into G2 applications. NeurOn-Line is well suited for advanced control, data and sensor validation, pattern recognition, fault classification, and multivariable quality control applications. Gensym's NeurOn-Line provides neural net training and on-line deployment in a single, consistent environment. NeurOn-Line's visual programming environment provides pre-defined blocks of neural net paradigms that have been extended with specific features for real-time process control applications. These include: Backprop, Radial Basis Function, Rho, and Autoassociative networks. For more information on Gensym software, visit their home page at

  22. Neuframe

    Product: Neuframe v.4 - ActiveX Components
    Company: Neusciences
    Address: Unit 2
             Lulworth Business Centre
             SO40 3WW
      Phone: +44 023 80 664011
    Neuframe is an easy-to-use, visual, object-oriented approach to problem solving, allowing the user to embed intelligent technologies within their applications. Neuframe provides features that enable businesses to investigate and apply Intelligence Technologies from an initial low cost experimentation platform, through to the building of embedded implementations using software components.


    Recommended Configuration - Windows 9X, NT4 or 2000, Pentium 200 with 64Mb Ram

    Price: Commercial £1295 - Educational £777 (pounds sterling)

    ActiveX Components

    KMeans, Linear Regression, Data Encoder: Price £150 each (pounds sterling)

    Multi-Layered Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, Projection Pursuit Regression, Kohonen: Price £350 each (pounds sterling)

  23. OWL Neural Network Library (TM)

    Product: OWL Neural Network Library (TM)
    Company: HyperLogic Corporation
    Address: PO Box 300010
             Escondido, CA 92030
      Phone: +1 619-746-2765 
        Fax: +1 619-746-4089
    The OWL Neural Network Library provides a set of popular networks in the form of a programming library for C or C++ software development. The library is designed to support engineering applications as well as academic research efforts.

    A common programming interface allows consistent access to the various paradigms. The programming environment consists of functions for creating, deleting, training, running, saving, and restoring networks, accessing node states and weights, randomizing weights, reporting the complete network state in a printable ASCII form, and formatting detailed error message strings.

    The library includes 20 neural network paradigms, and facilitates the construction of others by concatenation of simpler networks. Networks included are:

    Supported Environments:
    The object code version of OWL is provided on MS-DOS format diskettes with object libraries and makefiles for both Borland and Microsoft C. An included Windows DLL supports OWL development under Windows. The package also includes Owgraphics, a mouseless graphical user interface support library for DOS.
    Both graphical and "stdio" example programs are included.
    The Portable Source Code version of OWL compiles without change on many hosts, including VAX, UINX, and Transputer. The source code package includes the entire object-code package.

    USA and Canada: (US) $295 object code, (US) $995 with source
    Outside USA and Canada: (US) $350 object code, (US) $1050 with source
    Shipping, taxes, duties, etc., are the responsibility of the customer.

  24. Neural Connection

     Product: Neural Connection
     Company: SPSS Inc.
     Address: 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611
       Phone: 1-800-543-2185
              1-312-329-3500 (U.S. and Canada)
         Fax: 1-312-329-3668 (U.S. and Canada)
    SPSS has offices worldwide.  For inquiries outside the U.S. and Canada, 
    please contact the U.S. office to locate the office nearest you.
    Operating system   : Microsoft Windows 3.1 (runs in Windows 95)
    System requirements: 386 pc or better, 4 MB memory (8MB recommended), 4 MB 
    free hard disk space, VGA or SVGA monitor, Mouse or other pointing device, 
    Math coprocessor strongly recommended
    Price: $995, academic discounts available
    Neural Connection is a graphical neural network tool which uses an
    icon-based workspace for building models for prediction, classification,
    time series forecasting and data segmentation.  It includes extensive
    data management capabilities so your data preparation is easily done
    right within Neural Connection.  Several output tools give you the
    ability to explore your models thoroughly so you understand your
    Modeling and Forecasting tools
    * 3 neural network tools: Multi-Layer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, 
      Kohonen network
    * 3 statistical analysis tools: Multiple linear regression, Closest 
      class means classifier, Principal component analysis
    Data Management tools
    * Filter tool: transformations, trimming, descriptive statistics, 
      select/deselect variables for analysis, histograms
    * Time series window: single- or multi-step prediction, adjustable step 
    * Network combiner
    * Simulator
    * Split dataset: training, validation and test data
    * Handles missing values
    Output Options
    * Text output: writes ASCII and SPSS (.sav) files, actual values, 
      probabilities, classification results table, network output
    * Graphical output: 3-D contour plot, rotation capabilties, WhatIf? tool 
      includes interactive sensititivity plot, cross section, color contour
    * Time series plot
    Production Tools
    * Scripting language for batch jobs and interactive applications
    * Scripting language for building applications
    * User s guide includes tutorial, operations and algorithms
    * Guide to neural network applications
    Example Applications
    * Finance - predict account attrition
    * Marketing - customer segmentation
    * Medical - predict length of stay in hospital
    * Consulting - forecast construction needs of federal court systems
    * Utilities - predict number of service requests
    * Sales - forecast product demand and sales
    * Science - classify climate types

  25. Pattern Recognition Workbench Expo/PRO/PRO+

    Name: Pattern Recognition Workbench Expo/PRO/PRO+
    Company: Unica Technologies, Inc.
    Address: 55 Old Bedford Rd., Lincoln, MA 01773 USA
    Phone, Fax: (617) 259-5900, (617) 259-5901

    Basic capabilities:

    • Supported architectures and training methods include backpropagation, radial basis functions, K nearest neighbors, Gaussian mixture, Nearest cluster, K means clustering, logistic regression, and more.
    • Experiment managers interactively control model development by walking you through problem definition and set-up;
      • Provides icon-based management of experiments and reports.
      • Easily performs automated input feature selection searches and automated algorithm parameter searches (using intelligent search methods including genetic algorithms)
      • Statistical model validation (cross-validation, bootstrap validation, sliding-window validation).
    • "Giga-spreadsheets" hold 16,000 columns by 16 million rows of data each (254 billion cells)!
    • Intelligent spreadsheet supports data preprocessing and manipulation with over 100 built-in macro functions. Custom user functions can be built to create a library of re-usable macro functions.
    • C source code generation, DLLs, and real-time application linking via DDE/OLE links.
    • Interactive graphing and data visualization (line, histogram, 2D and 3D scatter graphs).

    Operating system: Windows 3.1, WFW 3.11, Windows 95, Windows NT (16- and 32-bit versions available)

    System requirements: Intel 486+, 8+ MB memory, 5+ MB disk space

    Approx. price: software starts at $995.00 (call for more info)
    Solving Pattern Recognition Problems text book: $49.95
    Money-back guarantee

    Comments: Pattern Recognition Workbench (PRW) is a comprehensive environment/tool for solving pattern recognition problems using neural network, machine learning, and traditional statistical technologies. With an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical interface, PRW has the flexibility to address many applications. With features such as automated model generation (via input feature selection and algorithm parameter searches), experiment management, and statistical validation, PRW provides all the necessary tools from formatting and preprocessing your data to setting up, running, and evaluating experiments, to deploying your solution. PRW's automated model generation capability can generate literally hundreds of models, selecting the best ones from a thorough search space, ultimately resulting in better solutions!

  26. PREVia

    PREVia is a simple Neural Network-based forecasting tool. The current commercial version is available in French and English (the downloadable version is in English). A working demo version of PREVia is available for download at:

    Introducing Previa

    Based on a detailed analysis of the forecasting decision process, Previa was jointly designed and implemented by experts in economics and finance, and neural network systems specialists including both mathematicians and computer scientists. Previa thus enables the experimentation, testing, and validation of numerous models. In a few hours, the forecasting expert can conduct a systematic experimentation, generate a study report, and produce an operational forecasting model. The power of Previa stems from the model type used, i.e., neural networks. Previa offers a wide range of model types, hence allowing the user to create and test several forecasting systems, and to assess each of them with the same set of criteria. In this way, Previa offers a working environment where the user can rationalise his or her decision process. The hardware requirements of Previa are: an IBM-compatible PC with Windows 3.1 (c) or Windows95. For the best performance, an Intel 486DX processor is recommended. Previa is delivered as a shrink-wrapped application software, as well as a dynamic link library (DLL) for the development of custom software. The DLL contains all the necessary functions and data structures to manipulate time series, neural networks, and associated algorithms. The DLL can also be used to develop applications with Visual BasicTM. A partial list of features:
    * Definition of a forecast equation : *
      Definition of the variable to forecast and explanatory variables.
      Automatic harmonisation of the domains and periodicities involved in 
         the equation.
    * Choice of a neuronal model associated with the forecasting equation :  *
      Automatic or manual definition of multi-layered architectures.
      Temporal models with loop-backs of intermediate layers.
    * Fine-tuning of a neuronal model by training *
      Training by gradient back-propagation.
      Automatic simplification of architectures.
      Definition of training objectives by adaptation of the optimisation 
      Definition of model form constraints.
      Graphing of different error criteria.
    * Analysis of a neuronal model: *
      View of Hinton graph associated with each network layer.
      Connection weight editing.
      Calculation of sensitivity and elasticity of the variable to forecast, 
         in relation to the explanatory variables.
      Calculation of the hidden series produced by the neural network.
    * Neural Network-Based Forecasting *
      Operational use of a neural network.
    * Series Analysis *
      Visualisation of a series curve.  Editing of the series values.
      Smoothing (simple, double, Holt & Winters)
      Study of the predictability of a series (fractal dimension)
      Comparison of two series.  Visualisation of X-Y graphs.

  27. Trajan 2.0 Neural Network Simulator

    Trajan Software Ltd,
    Trajan House,
    68 Lesbury Close,
    Co. Durham,
    DH2 3SR,
    United Kingdom.



    Tel: +44 191 388 5737. (8:00-22:00 GMT).


    Trajan 2.1 Professional is a Windows-based Neural Network includes support for a wide range of Neural Network types, training algorithms, and graphical and statistical feedback on Neural Network performance.

    Features include:

    1. Full 32-bit power. Trajan 2.1 is available in a 32-bit version for use on Windows 95 and Windows NT platforms, supporting virtually-unlimited network sizes (available memory is a constraint). A 16-bit version (network size limited to 8,192 units per layer) is also available for use on Windows 3.1.
    2. Network Architectures. Includes Support for Multilayer Perceptrons, Kohonen networks, Radial Basis Functions, Linear models, Probabilistic and Generalised Regression Neural Networks. Training algorithms include the very fast, modern Levenburg-Marquardt and Conjugate Gradient Descent algorithms, in addition to Back Propagation (with time-dependent learning rate and momentum, shuffling and additive noise), Quick Propagation and Delta-Bar-Delta for Multilayer Perceptrons; K-Means, K-Nearest Neighbour and Pseudo-Inverse techniques for Radial Basis Function networks, Principal Components Analysis and specialised algorithms for Automatic Network Design and Neuro-Genetic Input Selection. Error plotting, automatic cross verification and a variety of stopping conditions are also included.
    3. Custom Architectures. Trajan allows you to select special Activation functions and Error functions; for example, to use Softmax and Cross-entropy for Probability Estimation, or City-Block Error function for reduced outlier-sensitivity. There are also facilities to "splice" networks together and to delete layers from networks, allowing you to rapidly create pre- and post-processing networks, including Autoassociative Dimensionality Reduction networks.
    4. Simple User Interface. Trajan's carefully-designed interface gives you access to large amounts of information using Graphs, Bar Charts and Datasheets. Trajan automatically calculates overall statistics on the performance of networks in both classification and regression. Virtually all information can be transferred via the Clipboard to other Windows applications such as Spreadsheets.
    5. Pre- and Post-processing. Trajan 2.1 supports a range of pre- and post-processing options, including Minimax scaling, Winner-takes-all, Unit-Sum and Unit-Length vector. Trajan also assigns classifications based on user-specified Accept and Reject thresholds.

    6. Embedded Use. The Trajan Dynamic Link Library gives full programmatic access to Trajan's facilities, including network creation, editing and training. Trajan 2.1 come complete with sample applications written in 'C' and Visual Basic.
    There is also a demonstration version of the Software available; please download this to check whether Trajan 2.1 fulfils your needs.

  28. DataEngine

    Product: DataEngine, DataEngine ADL, DataEngine V.i
    Company: MIT GmbH
    Address: Promenade 9
             52076 Aachen
      Phone: +49 2408 94580
        Fax: +49 2408 94582
    DataEngine is a software tool for data analysis implementing
    Fuzzy Rule Based Systems, Fuzzy Cluster Methods, Neural Networks,
    and Neural-Fuzzy Systems in combination with conventional methods
    of mathematics, statistics, and signal processing.
    DataEngine ADL enables you to integrate classifiers or controllers
    developed with DataEngine into your own software environment.  It
    is offered as a DLL for MS/Windows or as a C++ library for various
    platforms and compilers.
    DataEngine V.i is an add-on tool for LabView (TM) that enables you
    to integrate Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks into LabView through
    virtual instruments to build systems for data analysis as well as
    for Fuzzy Control tasks.

  29. Machine Consciousness Toolbox

    Can a machine help you understand the mechanisms of consciousness?
    A visual, interactive application for investigating artificial consciousness as inspired by the biological brain.
    Free, fully functional, introductory version with user manual and tutorials to download.
    Based on the MAGNUS neural architecture developed at Imperial College, London, UK.
    Developed by Novel Technical Solutions.
    Full information and download from:

    [Note from FAQ maintainer: While this product explores some of the prerequisites of consciousness in an interesting way, it does not deal with deeper philosophical issues such as qualia.]

  30. Professional Basis of AI Backprop

    Backprop, rprop, quickprop, delta-bar-delta, supersab, recurrent networks for Windows 95 and Unix/Tcl/Tk. Includes C++ source, examples, hypertext documentation and the ability to use trained networks in C++ programs. $30 for regular people and $200 for businesses and government agencies. For details see: or

    Questions to: Don Tveter,

  31. STATISTICA: Neural Networks

         Product: STATISTICA: Neural Networks version 4.0
         Company: StatSoft, Inc.
         Address: 2300 E. 14th St.
                  Tulsa, OK  74104
           Phone: (918) 749-1119
             Fax: (918) 749-2217
    STATISTICA Neural Networks is a comprehensive application capable of designing a wide range of neural network architectures, employing both widely-used and highly-specialized training algorithms. STATISTICA Neural Networks was developed by StatSoft, Inc., the makers of STATISTICA software, and is available and supported through a world-wide network of StatSoft subsidiaries.

    The current version STATISTICA Neural Networks 4.0 offers features such as sophisticated training algorithms, an Intelligent Problem Solver that walks the user step-by-step through the analysis, a Neuro-Genetic Input Selection facility, a large selection of supplementary graphs and statistics (e.g., ROC, Response Surfaces, Sensitivity Analysis, Regression and Classification statistics), complete support for API (Application Programming Interface), and the ability to interface with STATISTICA data files and graphs.

    STATISTICA Neural Networks includes traditional learning algorithms, such as back propagation and sophisticated training algorithms such as Conjugate Gradient Descent and Levenberg-Marquardt iterative procedures. Typically, choosing the right architecture of a neural network is a difficult and time-consuming "trial and error" process, but STATISTICA Neural Networks specifically does this for the user. STATISTICA Neural Networks features an Intelligent Problem Solver that utilizes heuristics and sophisticated optimization strategies to determine the best network architecture and walks the user step-by-step through the analysis. The Intelligent Problem Solver compares different network types (including Linear, Radial Basis Function, Multilayer Perceptron, and Bayesian networks), determines the number of hidden units, and chooses the Smoothing factor for Radial Basis Function networks.

    The process of obtaining the right input variables in exploratory data analysis -- typically the case when neural networks are used -- also is facilitated by STATISTICA Neural Networks. Neuro-Genetic Input Selection procedures aid in determining the input variables that should be used in training the network. It uses an optimization strategy to compare the possible combinations of input variables to determine which set is most effective. STATISTICA Neural Networks offers complete API support so advanced users (or designers of corporate "knowledge seeking" or "data mining" systems) may be able to integrate the advanced computational engines of the Neural Networks module into their custom applications.

    STATISTICA Neural Networks can be used as a stand-alone application or can interface directly with STATISTICA. It reads and writes STATISTICA data files and graphs.

  32. Braincel (Excel add-in)

         Product: Braincel
         Company: Promised Land Technologies 
         Address: 195 Church Street 11th Floor
                  New Haven, CT 06510
           Phone: (800) 243-1806 (Outside USA: (203) 562-7335)
             Fax: (203) 624-0655 
                  also see
    Braincel is an add-in to Excel using a training method called backpercolation.


         Product: DESIRE/NEUNET
         Company: G.A. and T.M. Korn Industrial Consultants 
         Address: 7750 South Lakeshore Road, # 15
                  Chelan, WA 98816 
           Phone: (509) 687-3390
           Price: $ 775 (PC)
                  $ 2700 (SPARCstation)
                  $ 1800 (SPARCstation/educational)
                  Free educational version
    DESIRE (Direct Executing SImulation in REal time) is a completely interactive system for dynamic-system simulation (up to 6,000 differential equations plus up to 20,000 difference equations in scalar or matrix form; 13 integration rules) for control, aerospace, and chemical engineering, physiological modeling, and ecology. Easy programming of multirun studies (statistics, optimization). Complex frequency-response plots, fast Fourier transforms, screen editor, connection to database program.

    DESIRE/NEUNET adds interactive neural-network simulation (to 20,000 interconnections) and fuzzy logic. Simulates complete dynamic systems controlled by neural networks and/or fuzzy logic. Users can develop their own neural networks using an easily readable matrix notation, as in:

     VECTOR layer2= tanh(W * layer1 + bias) 
    Over 200 examples include:
    • backpropagation, creeping random search
    • Hopfield networks, bidirectional associative memories
    • perceptrons, transversal filters and predictors
    • competitive learning, counterpropagation
    • very fast emulation of adaptive resonance
    • simulates fuzzy-logic control and radial-basis functions


    Package includes 2 textbooks by G.A. Korn: "Neural Networks and Fuzzy-logic Control on Personal Computers and Workstations" (MIT Press, 1995), and "Interactive Dynamic-system Simulatiuon under Windows 95 and NT" (Gordon and Breach, 1998). Please see our Web site for complete tables of contents of books, screen shots, list of users:

    Complete educational versions of DESIRE/NEUNET for Windows 95 and NT can now be downloaded FREE as a .zip file which you un-zip to get an automatic INSTALLSHIELD installation program. The educational version is identical to our full industrial version except for smaller data areas (6 instead of 6000 differential equations, smaller neural networks). It will run most examples from both textbooks.

  34. Viscovery SOMine

             Product: Viscovery SOMine
             Company: eudaptics software gmbh
             Address: Helferstorferstr. 5/8
                      A-1010 Vienna
               Phone: (+43 1) 532 05 70 
                 Fax: (+43 1) 532 05 70 -21
    Operating System: Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
              Prices: $1495 (commercial),  
                      $695 (non-commercial, i.e. universities)
    Viscovery SOMine is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for exploratory data analysis and data mining. Employing an enhanced version of Self Organizing Maps it puts complex data into order based on its similarity. The resulting map can be used to identify and evaluate the features hidden in the data. The result is presented in a graphical way which allows the user to analyze non-linear relationships without requiring profound statistical knowledge. The system further supports full pre- and postprocessing, cluster search, association/recall, prediction, statistics, filtering, and animated system state monitoring. Through the implementation of techniques such as SOM scaling, the speed in creating maps is increased compared to the original SOM algorithm.

    Download a free evaluation copy from

  35. NeuNet Pro

       Product: NeuNet Pro
       Company: CorMac Technologies Inc.
       Address: 34 North Cumberland Street
                Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4L4
         Phone: (807) 345-7114
           Fax: (807) 345-7114
    NeuNet Pro is a complete neural network development system:
    • Requires Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT4(sp3).
    • Powerful, easy to use, point and click, graphical development environment.
    • Choose either SFAM or Back Propagation.
    • Access data directly from MDB database file.
    • Data may contain up to 255 fields.
    • Split data into training set and testing set, up to 32,000 rows each.
    • Comprehensive graphical reporting of prediction accuracy.
    • Table browse, confusion matrix, scatter graph, and time series graph.
    • Context sensitive help file with 70 page manual.
    • Includes eight sample projects and assortment of sample data.
    • Additional sample data available from URL above.
    • Entire program may be downloaded from URL above.

  36. Neuronics

       Product: NNetView
       Company: Neuronics Inc.
       Address: Technoparkstr. 1
                CH-8005 Zurich Switzerland
         Phone: +41 1 445 16 40
           Fax: +41 1 445 16 44
    Operating systems: Windows 95/98/NT and on MacOS.
        Prices: 120 EUR for Simulator
                310 EUR for Full version incl. camera- and serial interface
                1260 EUR for Class licence
    NNetView is a simulator for neural networks that allows you to connect the network directly to the video camera input as well as the input/output of the serial port of your PC. In addition, the network can include a free architecture of 2-dimensional layers with connections in all directions. The most interesting feature is that you can combine different standard network types (such as Backpropagation, Hebb, Reinforcement Learning, Kohonen or Hopfield networks). NNetView allows to learn images (such as faces or colored objects) online and to make robots and other machines adaptive.

  37. RG Software

     Product: NN50.DLL Neural Network Software Development Kit (SDK)
     Company: RG Software Corporation
     Address: 6838 W. Cholla
              Peoria, Arizona 85345
       Phone: (623) 773-2396
         FAX: (623) 334-3421
    The NN50.DLL Neural Network SDK allows you to incorporate a quickprop
    neural network in your favorite development environment (VB, FoxPro,
    C++, Assembler, Java and just about any other Windows programming
    language) with minimal investment and effort. NN50.DLL trains very fast,
    saves and loads weights, can be used online, stopped and called during
    training and more.  NN50's input relevance function is based on
    information gathered from
    NN50 is compatible with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows
    2000. Unix and Linux versions are also available. Please see
    for details.  

  38. Cobalt A.I. Code Builder - Neural Network Edition

     Product: Code Builder - Neural Network Edition
     Company: Cobalt A.I. Software
       Phone: (623) 487-3813
       Price: U.S. $59.00
    Cobalt A.I. Code Builder - Neural Network Edition is a neural network source code generator. Design neural networks and generate efficient object oriented source code for C++, Java or Visual Basic (VB, Excel, Access, Word). Other languages (FoxPro, C# and VB.Net) will soon be integrated. Code Builder uses a "Project Wizard" to analyze data and suggest inputs, then generates source code accordingly.

  39. NEURO MODEL and GenOpt

     Product: NEURO MODEL and GenOpt 
     Company: ATLAN-tec KG
     Address: Hans-Martin Schleyer Strasse 18A
       Phone: +49 2154 92 48 222
         FAX: +49 2154 92 48 100
    Neuro Model (NM) is a Windows based ANN Development Package which does not require any scientific knowledge of ANN. Designed for the process industry, NM showed its best performance with real world data sets. Preprocessing of all data sets by a proprietary cluster algorithm provide reliable and consistant information for training. The internal combination of different mathematical methods eliminates the problem of local optima and overfitting. Modelling of dynamic non-linearity with implemented time behaviour enables the package to predict process conditions online in complexe enviroments like chemical reactors. Extensive reports of all net details include information about training parameters and statistics alerts. Software validation conform FDA could be done by worldwide co-operation with Pharmaplan (FRESENIUS AG).
    Ask for FREE (Fullversion on loan) student License for your project.

    • Customized Components through DLLs
    • Non Linear Genetic Optimization through GEN OPT
    • Microsoft Excel Add-in - NM Runtimer for Excel
    • Runtimer for Windows NT, 2000, UNIX, DEC-VAX, SOLARIS, LINUX
    • Visual Data Selection
    • Data Preprocessing, Analysis and Modification
    • Batch Training and Parameter Optimization
    • Extensive Information by different Sensitivity and Accuracy Analysis
    • Security Net Algorithm shows statistical confidence for predicted results
    • Comparison of predicted vs. desired results incl. confidence range for the whole topography
    • Automated Report Generation incl. DES crypted fingerprint
    • Sophisticated Graphic Machine
    • Multi Language Library for international Corporate Licenses

    Applications References available for:

    • Pharma & Bioscience
    • Clinical Medicine Research
    • Chemical Industry
    • Waste Water Treatment Plants
    • Food Industry
    • Plastic Processing
    • Prediction of Energy Consumption Behaviour for Electricity / Water / Gas network

Next part is part 7 (of 7). Previous part is part 5.